Puzzle pieces of a beautiful picture

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

After the chess game....and here comes the storm

DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT.....Ill always be here.....I am not going anywhere..and all you have to do is just ASK......just take the first step......DAMMIT...why are you making it so hard for me...for both of us
posted by Crazy Apple at 7:14 AM


chessboss.com is currently in the progress of choosing chess blogs/clubs to receive recognition from chessboss.com as Top Resources. This award is not meant to be anything other than a recognition that your blog/Clubs gives information about tactics that directly or in directly raise Chess awareness. Simply place the award banner code on your site and your resource will be listed as a Top CHESS Resources on chessboss.com once you place it. chessboss.com is a Private Global Chess Server which offer FREE Chess Games and Guidelines for learning chess and whose goal is to promote Chess (which game has lost his fan base) through the spread of information globally. Thank you for your dedication to your Club/blogs. Please reply me back with the subject line as your URL to avoid spam and to make sure that you only get the award banner.

November 13, 2009 at 9:20 AM  

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