Puzzle pieces of a beautiful picture

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Frozen Rain

Keeping it, not seeing it, not thinking about it, not talking about it does not makes it better....it does not make it disappear.....putting it in the tiny box and place it deep in ur heart.....remain dormant.......seems great and looks great but whenever you are alone...when you are in a dark place....when you saw something that brings out a lot of memories....bit by bit the content of tiny box leaks and you'll feel the pain again.......Knowing the facts.....knowing the variables are as slim as none.....still does not take it away.....the feeling is still there.....sometimes you may think that the feeling has gone....but it will never be gone....it will always always be there.....and it hurts like a bitch.....it really hurts like a bitch........
posted by Crazy Apple at 8:58 AM


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