Puzzle pieces of a beautiful picture

Friday, August 21, 2009


How many relationship are there between two people?.......Friends, normal friends, best friends, close friends, crazy friends, movie friends, camp friends, classmate, schoolmate, roommate, housemate, junior and senior, father and son, teacher and student, people tht you like, people that you dislike, enemy, rival.....the list goes on.......the amount of relationship we have is uncountable and each of these relation is unique, uncertain, sweet and define who we are........it matters not what kind of relation we share....at the very least...we are connected by a thread regardless of how thin the thread is......in this world.....with trillion people.........to be connected in some way requires luck, chances and fate..........to be connected with the person next to you is a one in a million chance....invincible yet priceless.....seems like an illusion yet it feels so real
posted by Crazy Apple at 9:27 PM


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