Puzzle pieces of a beautiful picture

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Everything happen for a reason.

I walked through my life with a single believe that Everything happen for a reason, and proof of my believe are all around me....let me take one example.....H.C......at the beginning of the year.....for some reason H.C force to sit alone at the back of the class......and that can be consider as one of the most horrible period of his life...but then due to that...H.C change his place and sit beside W.M....and by doing that.......H.C have been much more focus in his studies...this is the best proof that.... everything happen for a reason.....there is a reason for H.C to be force to sit alone....so that he will sit next to W.M and because of that...his grades are ascending.....

So everything happen for a reason.........I have asked XXX out ....twice and both failed...not becoz of XXX refuse but due to some other reason.....so is there anything that the universe is trying to say......is there any reason for that to happen?
posted by Crazy Apple at 8:34 AM


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