Puzzle pieces of a beautiful picture

Monday, March 16, 2009


As a new adventure begins..new happy memories are made, and new pictures are taken. The old ones are taken down...one by one being replace by the new one.....being put at the very back of the book....only flip back and take a look once in a blue moon.....and as YEARS goes by, the old ones are not going to be there anymore but lost in those passing time.......That is my greatest fear, that is my tragedy.....to be forgotten.....or to be that 'some random guy' that my name are not important......I know...I sound a bit selfish and a bit whiny......I realised that myself....to be not forgotten....all I need to do is just take a chance.....take the initiative to do soething to be remembered.....as the matter of fact....I am doing it right now....fighting a hell of a battle with time.....but.....I still able to feel this selfish feeling all the time.
posted by Crazy Apple at 8:16 AM


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